Monday, August 15, 2011

Day 3 West Yellowstone - Day of Discovery

Last night we had a hum-dinger of a storm blow through, high winds and rain that woke me up. Tim was not very comfy as he left his extra pillow in Lethbridge and his neck was still bothering him from the poor pillows at the hotel the night previous. He's pretty pooped, although he looks good as he shaved the goatee and mustache off in Lethbridge. As mentioned previously, Tim made his call to Telus this morning... after an 8 minute wait, they told him that the texts he was receiving were automatic once he crossed the border but to disregard the warnings as his plan is in place for U.S. roaming... He also called the hotel in Lethbridge to let them know to not throw out his pillow that he forgot there... great start to the day.

After pancakes and sausages and showers, we set out to discover what West Yellowstone was all about. We visited the Visitor Information Centre to gather information and purchase our park pass. It was quite blustery and a bit rainy in the morning so we toured the townsite in our truck to see where everything was at and returned to our trailer for lunch. It was raining and windy again so we just chillaxed (read: I had a nap) and then decided we would take in the 4 p.m. IMAX show "Yellowstone". Popcorn, cherry coke and Whoppers spread 3 ways, it filled 40 minutes with great shots and a bit of the history of Yellowstone. Connor is super psyched to check out Old Faithful. When we came out, the rain had stopped and the sun was shining!! So we decided to walk around downtown in search of a new pillow for Tim.

We visited the local hardware store (they claimed to have housewares so it was worth a shot); a couple of other shops that looked promising but no dice. Found a really sweet candy store too, they make their own saltwater taffy and wrap it by hand... impressive! At an outfitter, we asked where we could get a regular ol' pillow... he sent us over to the Roundup Trading Post (or some such) and there we found a nice big, fluffy king sized pillow for my king. Hopefully he will sleep better tonight. Poor Timmy!! We keep saying, "Next Year, when we have our hard side..." this will all be an uncomfortable memory.

Although the weather was against us, we did manage to get in some research of the sights and sounds we want to take in during the next week or so, and relaxation is what vacation is about so we are just starting to get into that particular groove. Tomorrow we are off to take Connor to see Old Faithful and some of the other sights of Yellowstone.

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