Saturday, August 13, 2011

2011 Vacation Day 1

Finally, all the preparations and details are finished and we hit the road this morning!!!

We made a brief last minute pickup at the Shoppers Drug Mart in Devon and snapped this beauty of our unit... Tim needed his "special" toothpaste... sigh.

Anyhow, it was 9 a.m. when we finally got away, first stop at McD's in Nisku for breakfast (the most important meal of the day!!) Large coffees in hand (none for Connor) we hit the happy trail... next stop, lunch in Calgary.

We decided to go to Deerfoot Meadows, you know, where the Ikea is on Deerfoot Trail to get lunch... this is where the fun began. I thought we were looking for gas and Tim thought I was navigating for food... needless to say, voices were raised but we finally got turned around and hit Subway for lunch. Tim then got smart after his nutrition break and we found an Esso to use our fuel gift cards at (yay loyalty points... free gas!!) Fuel is more expensive in Calgary, that much is apparent. We found our way back to the Deerfoot and out of Calgary and proceeded south towards Lethbridge.

Not overly much in the way of construction on the roads so far, the truck is handling the trailer just fine but Connor was driving us crazy asking how to make sunscreen for the game he was playing on his iPod, Pocket God... quel nutbar! He is looking over my shoulder now wanting to get at the laptop to find a game to play. Hmm...

So our GPS got us to the HoJo no problem. An older motel but it is free (yay loyalty program) so as long as it is clean, I don't care for one night. There is a Mexican restaurant next door that I may investigate for supper... unless I am miraculously contacted by family or friends in this neck of the woods via Facebook or something... Tomorrow is the big border crossing, quickie shopping trip in Helena and on to West Yellowstone. Until then, CIAO!

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