Tuesday, June 12, 2012

My latest project

Snow is gone, been working in the garden... preparing for the lazy hazy days of summer... NOT! More like "what do I want to do now?"

I found some old leaded bevel glass windows for sale on Kijiji and since I love the rainbows they throw off, I bought them!! They are old and beaten up, seen better days but I am confident that I can bring them back to their previous glory... here are the pictures of my 2 hours spent doing one side of a window this evening. Well worth it!! Once I have the other side stripped down, I will clean up the glass and take it in to have the lead caning repaired. Stay tuned for more progress reports!
flaky old paint, layers and layers

paint on the glass too

Big ol' blob o' something on the bottom, sorry, camera would not focus!

you can see that the paint was cracking before I started

this is a shot of the glass that is popping out of it's canes

You could tell someone painted the windows shut at some point.

Stripper at work! Paint stripper people! Get your mind OUT of the gutter!

Me, illustrating "Safety First!"

After 2 hours, the better part of one side DONE!

My garage work station using my husbands underutilized Black & Decker Workmate <3
Products used: disposable paint brushes, scraper, small putty knife, paint stripper, safety glasses, floor covering (plastic recommended, I have a large old coroplast poster I used for this), nitrile gloves.

In the words of Porky Pig: "Be-de be-de be-de, That's all folks!!" Stay tuned for more elbow grease and tales of my adventures in to antique restoration.

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