Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Waskesiu Day 2 - August 16, 2010

After a quickie breakfast of cereal, hit the showers (FYI, clean, warm, sufficient water pressure... very important in a campground!) we decided to reorient ourselves with the town. We went for a bit of a drive, looking for where we could obtain internet signal (for Tim's iPhone and laptop), visit Pine & Fancy candy store (for Connor, honest!) and just recover from our previous day of drama. I read in the afternoon, Tim and Connor went for a bike ride, played a little football and chillaxed.

As it was so cold the previous evening, and this evening was not forecast to be much better, when we went to town after suppertime for "dessert" of ice cream at Scoops, I popped down the street and bought myself some toasty warm sweatpants. I also got Connor a long sleeved T-shirt as a momento and just in case it stays cold as he brought mostly short sleeved t-shirts.

The ground here is quite wet from large amounts of rain before we came, and night 2 it poured all night. The inside of our trailer sounds like a really loud rain stick when it rains really hard. Musical white noise, great to fall asleep to.

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